Today, (well actually yesterday but THAT DOESNT MATTER) we have been given a SOCK
WEB FONT! A google web font site, to be precise. These are a wonderful thing made by the omnipotent Google for use by anyone. It's incredibly easy to use, too. The first step is obvious; you need to go to the Google Web Font site. Afterwards, browse through and find fonts you want. For my jabberwocky site, I selected "Eater" because it fit my desire for a spooky font for the poem.
After that I wanted to find a font that would look fancy for the author and for the other background info. Both of these looked good and fit the bill for what I needed, but I picked the top font, "Spirax" over the bottom one, "Cinzel" because Jabberwocky originates from a book that features the same character Alice from Alice in Wonderland; since the movie adaption was by Disney, I figured a more fantastical font was in need.
After you've picked the fonts you want, you click "use" (bottom-right) and then after a few more selection you are able to see how the font looks in paragraph or heading form. Something important to note is that if you go too crazy with fonts and font variety, you could cause your web page to load slower then it should, which might inconvenience your users (see my previous blog posts on preventing thinking).
Once you are happy, you need to pick how you put the fonts into your website; I personally prefer "@import" (totally not because I don't know how the other ones work)
In the CSS file for your website, simply add the code it gives you to the top and then save and check it out- boom! Fonts that aren't Times/Comic Sans/Wingdings/Papyrus! Like magic!