
Monday, September 22, 2014

Character, Animation

My character is a british gentleman of leisure. I decided to design him like so because I figured that making a serious person look ridiculous and act ridiculous would be funny. I took inspiration for the hats from the video game Team Fortress 2, wherein they state "A man's wealth is measured by the amount of hats he wears on his head." and so, I put 4 hats on him that wobble back and forth. 
I originally had him holding a teacup and a cane that would bounce back and forth as he walked, but I ran into complications with the teacup and the cane wouldn't have worked like i would have liked. I also do not like the colors I used, but I couldn't find any suitable so I rolled with it. The hats was the hardest part but only by a little bit, because the copy/pasting wasn't working like it should. Everything else was easy in comparison. . 
I learned that making your character's feet point the same way is important if you're going to make the character walk like a normal person (which was actually the original plan), the puppet pin tool is useful for more then just making a thing squash and stretch, and that 100% black suits are not easy to work with.

An issue I had while making my character walk was with the aforementioned feet. I originally planned on having the character walk like a normal person and his hats would flop back and forth far more then they do now. If i could redo my animation i would add and fix up the teacup and the cane. Overall though, I think I did a good job.

In class, we had peer critique-ing over everyone's animation. The class pointed out that the size of the animation was too big, and that an easy fix for the legs pointing different directions would've been to flip the leg around. However, they thought the hats and the leg animation was hilarious. 

This is a resized version.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Inchworm, Animation *FIXED/IMPROVED*

So it turns out I kind of uploaded my last project a little bit too soon (blame the sub) and so I went ahead and remade the inchworm animation and improved the pins, and added a shadow for a more improved animation. I also did a little more work with the push/pin tool and added just a pinch of squash and stretch so it looks a LOT better then last time, in the sense that it no longer looks like its sliding across the screen. Now it just does it 33% of the time.

Project 4, Web Design

So while we can't actually upload any websites or anything like that yet, I still want to show off what I'm doing in web design because I think it looks cool. The top picture is the HTML code (hand-typed) and the bottom picture is the product thus far.