
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Inchworm, Animation

This was our second animation project- This time it was far easier but in my opinion the end result is better. While everyone else had their worm just bounce up and down to portray movement I tried making my worm move a little more like a worm moves in real life, ignoring the fact that his butt slides across the screen. I'm also happy to say that I didn't need any help this time around. So that's a plus.
P.S. My animation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cody Wilcox's thing.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Color Wheel, Web Design

This is my first Web Design project. Before we actually started doing web site stuff, we made a color wheel because color use and color variation is EXTREMELY important for making your website unlike the other websites out there.

Bouncing Ball, Animation

This is our first Animation project. It's...well, its just a bouncing ball. However it was a little harder then i expected, yet simple. That's okay though, baby steps are important. We first made the ball in Photoshop, then used keyframes to make it bounce around. We then moved over to After Effects and learned about/added squash and stretch to the ball to make it look more realistic and make it look better. We also re-did all of the keyframes and used ease-in and ease-out to great effect. It was a little difficult to try and find the right squash/stretch for the ball and I had to ask for help a couple of times with technical stuff, however it was easy to make the ball bounce around. I look forward to future projects.